Will Becker is a self-advocate and high school graduate. He has a black belt in Karate and is a Youth Ambassador for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities Center for Youth Voice, Youth Choice project helping to spread the word on supported decision-making and alternatives to guardianship.
Cindy Bentley is the executive director of People First Wisconsin and a fearless self-advocate for people with disabilities. Cindy is celebrating 40 years of living in the community after being institutionalized until the age of 26. Cindy serves on several boards and works closely with other organizations that work for equal opportunities for people with disabilities. peoplefirstwi@gmail.com
Stephanie Birmingham, MA, LPC, is a mental health therapist at the Door County Jail. She has a bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College and a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University Chicago. Stephanie has served on various committees and boards, including the Respite Care Association of Wisconsin, the Mental Health Focus Group of Door County, the WI Department of Justice’s Peer Support Advisory Committee, and the WI Department of Health’s Long-term Care
Advisory Council. She also previously served as Chair of the Independent Living Council of Wisconsin and was appointed to serve on the WI Governor’s Taskforce on Caregiving. sbirmingham@luc.edu
Amy Bleile has two master’s degrees, one in education and one in school social work. She has been a special education teacher for 10 years. She is also a former Miss Wheelchair Wisconsin and Miss Wheelchair Wisconsin USA title holder. She currently teaches at the West Allis Milwaukee school district at the elementary level. Amy is a Partner in Policymaking graduate. In college she played on the UW
Whitewater wheelchair basketball team and was the first resident assistant in a wheelchair.
Alicia Boehme works for the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services. She is the Director of the Bureau of Quality and Oversight (BQO) in the Division of Medicaid Services. BQO makes sure programs like IRIS and Family Care are going well. Alicia has worked in the disability field for over 30 years at places like the Department of Health Services, Disability Rights Wisconsin and Journey Mental Health Center. She has a Master of Social Work (MSW) and Master of Public Affairs (MPA) from UW-Madison. Alicia lives in Madison with her husband, two teenage sons and dog. In her spare time, Alicia likes to travel, read, hike, and watch her boys play sports. Alicia.Boehme@dhs.wisconsin.gov
Lynn Breedlove was the Executive Director of Disability Rights Wisconsin from 1980-2011. He served as Co-Chair of the Survival Coalition from 1999-2011. He is a Board Member InControl Wisconsin from 2009 to date. Lynnbreedlove.wi@gmail.com
Mary Clare Carlson is currently the Self Advocacy Specialist at My Choice Wisconsin. Mary Clare has a long history of disability advocacy experience in the state. She was part of the team that founded People First Wisconsin and is proud of the 13 years she worked for the organization. Mary Clare is a creative connector and storyteller who excels at bringing together diverse people, resources, and ideas to build teams, inspire innovative problem solving, and facilitate positive change.
Felicia Clayborne is an Outreach Advocate for People First Wisconsin. She hosts the podcast Kingdom Hope Connections and Disability Café. She is also the founder and owner of Abilities Travel Club and helps people with disabilities and seniors plan visits to places throughout the state. badgerstateadvocate@gmail.com
Jamie Champine is a social services professional who has dedicated over 16 years to supporting individuals with disabilities who lead ‘Self-Determined lives. She is skilled in non-profit leadership, strengths-based assessment, motivational interviewing, trauma-informed care, and self-determination practices. She currently works for Lakeland Care, Inc. jamie.champine@lakelandcareinc.com
Jonathan Claflin is currently serving as the Senior Operations Manager at Premier FMS; Jonathan has over 10 years of experience, specifically in self-direction in Wisconsin, and has been instrumental in shaping and advancing innovative care models at Premier FMS for participants and their families. Jonathan is committed to improving the level of independence participants and their families can achieve through self-directed programs. jclaflin@premier-fms.com
Kevin Coughlin spent the last 30 years in the private and public sectors working in Home and Community Based Services as an operator, a regulator, and a public funder. Mr. Coughlin is currently a Policy Initiatives Advisor-Executive in the Wisconsin Division of Medicaid Services. He has been a speaker at numerous state and national conferences presenting on the subjects of workforce, assisted living regulatory reform, and long-term care quality improvement. kevin.coughlin@wi.gov
Joy Crenshaw, a Transition Coordinator at Holmen High School, assists students in PROJECT BRIDGE, PROJECT LIVE, and PROJECT SEARCH as they navigate their college and career interests and transition into adulthood. With a degree in Human Services, Joy first worked as a Special Education Paraprofessional before becoming a licensed Special Education teacher in her current role. crejoy@holmen.k12.wi.us
Dominic Dean is a 19-year-old food reviewer. He currently has over 16,000 followers and has been on the news many times for his reviews. He has reviewed food all over the world but mainly focuses on his hometown of Milwaukee, WI.
Ginny Domani began her career in independent living in the early 80’s. She helped build the first independent living center in Hartford, Connecticut. As a caseworker she developed a yearlong curriculum for people trying to get out of a long-term care facility and into public living. She currently works for Access to Independence and for a few years was their director. dominig@charter.net
Stacy Ellingen is passionate about disability advocacy and uses her talent for public speaking and writing to spread awareness about disabilities issues. She earned a Journalism degree from UW-Whitewater. Stacy is a small business owner and an independent contractor with InControl Wisconsin. She publishes an online blog. Stacy uses an augmentative and alternative communications (AAC) device to share her voice and has never let barriers keep her from her advocacy work. She continues to
share her leadership, lived experience, and passion for advocacy. stacyellingen@gmail.com
Katie Erickson is a Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman with Disability Rights Wisconsin. She has 22 years of experience working with and advocating for adults with disabilities and older adults in settings that include the ADRC, Long Term Care programs, and skilled nursing settings. kerickson@drwi.org
Sally Flaschberger has been a disability advocate for over 20 years. She is the Program Manager for the BPDD-Living Well Grant and co-leads Partners in Policymaking. She is the parent of a young adult with a disability. sally.flaschberger@wisconsin.gov
Janine Gallo, or Gallo, (they/them/theirs) is a Care Coach / Community Resource Coordinator (CRC) for Inclusa. They have worked with individuals with disabilities throughout their career. Their background is in education; Gallo is passionate about self-advocacy and the importance of person-centered, strength-based care planning to help individuals achieve their personal goals and long-term outcomes.
Dana Glinski is a social and human services professional with 8 years of experience working with individuals with disabilities through non-profit agencies. Dana is skilled in member-centered direct support with an emphasis on self-determination. dana.glinski@lakelandcareinc.com
Kelly Gochenaur is the Managed Care Lead Ombudsman, providing technical support to regional ombudsmen, leadership and outside groups, and serving Family Care members 60+ years in La Crosse County and participating in system advocacy. Kelly was hired by the Board on Aging and Long Term Care in 2017 and served as regional ombudsman for 6 counties prior to assuming her current duties in 2021. She has over 20 years’ experience walking with consumers receiving LTC services in various community settings and programs, learning from them how to best assist in advocating for their right to self-determination.
Samina Grimes, MS, LPC (she/her/hers) is an Advanced Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor in the La Crosse Office. She works for the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. She has been with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) for 14 years Her professional background also includes working at a local service provider in La Crosse as an employment specialist and at the Aging and Disability Resource Center as a benefit specialist. Samina is dedicated to person-centered planning and helping individuals achieve their employment goals. Samina.Grimes@dwd.wisconsin.gov
Vicky Gunderson is a Relationship Director with GT Independence. GT Independence is a fiscal employer agent (FEA) for Wisconsin’s long-term services programs through the Family Care and IRIS programs. Vicky has been working in the healthcare industry’s environment for over 35 years. Vicky believes and advocates for all people to live a life of their choosing. Vicky is also a board member of the WI Long Term Care Workforce Alliance, Respite Care Association of WI, a committee member for In-Control Wisconsin, and a committee member for Disability Action Network, La Crosse, WI. vgunderson@gtindependence.com
Alex Haunty is an artist living with a cognitive disability. He uses his unique challenges to achieve his dreams and become a source of inspiration for many. With the proceeds from his art sales, Alex donates a significant portion to his nonprofit, Alex Haunty’s Theater and Art Fund, Inc. to buy tickets for people with disabilities to see Broadway shows.
Savanna Hawpetoss is a self-advocate from Milwaukee. She works part-time at the Wisconsin Athletic Club and loves being part of her work team. Savanna is a 2024 graduate of Partners in Policymaking and the Youth Leadership Forum. Savanna is a member of the My Choice of Wisconsin Member Advisory Committee. She competes in the Special Olympics. She graduated from St Coletta Day School Transition Program and the Friendship Circle Job Training Program. She has presented at the Circles of Life conference.
Nancy Heltemes is from Milwaukee. She is Savanna's mom. Nancy is the current president of the Board of Directors for Disability Rights Wisconsin. She has served on the planning committee for the Circles of Life conference since 2019. She is a graduate of Partners in Policymaking (2018), a graduate of Family Leadership through Family Voices of Wisconsin, and a graduate of the Future Milwaukee Leaders through Marquette University. Nancy has been a Catechist and leader for SPRED (special religious development) for over 17 years. She has worked as a disability hearing monitor for the Social Security Administration for the last 12 years. Nancy has worked for the United Way and the Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps (ARCh).
Duazong “Dee” Her is an avid disability advocate living in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. She has been on dialysis for over 20 years and in learning to deal with her disabilities, became a strong voice advocating for self-determination for all people regardless of abilities. Dee uses self-directed supports herself and is the current chairperson of the Member Advisory Committee at My Choice Wisconsin, a managed care organization that has both Family Care and Partnership programs. She is a proud member of the Hmong community who works hard to change limiting cultural mindsets and bring attention and focus to the gifts and talents those thriving with a
disability bring to their community.
Wendy Heyn is the Voting Outreach Advocacy Specialist for Disability Rights Wisconsin and its disability partners on the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) efforts on voting rights for people with disabilities. She provides outreach and education to people with disabilities, their families, and other stakeholders on voting rights in Southeastern Wisconsin. Wendy spent over a decade working as an elementary school teacher and it has prepared her well for teaching others about voting and for organizing outreach efforts. As the mother of a son who lives with disabilities, she is committed to helping voters understand their rights and feel empowered to vote. Wendy is a 2018 Partners in Policymaking graduate. wendyh@drwi.org
Shawn Ihrcke, Outcomes and Behavior Team Manager, Aptiv, Inc. Shawn is dedicated to working alongside others to reach their dreams and goals through a person-centered approach. Achieving independence and the highest quality of life for others is what Shawn strives to do. Shawn has about 10 years of experience working in human services. She has an undergraduate degree in therapeutic recreation along with a Master of Science in therapeutic recreation as well. shawn.ihrcke@aptiv.org
Jean Jarosh is the Supervising Ombudsman for Disability Rights Wisconsin’s Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman program. She supports other ombudsmen in their case work across the state. She has been with DRW for 10 years.
Ellie Jarvie, MSW, LCSW has worked for 6 years as an advocacy specialist at Disability Rights Wisconsin. She has been a lifelong self-advocate living with Tourette Syndrome. At DRW, she helps people by advocating for less restrictive settings, supporting people in making complaints, and advocating for getting the services they need. Ellie values working with people to help their voices be heard. She looks
forward to hearing your thoughts and questions. elliej@drwi.org
Casey Kapalczynski is a Program Specialist who has spent her career serving adults with disabilities and the aging population. Casey has a bachelor’s degree from UW-Green Bay and a master’s degree from Lakeland University. She spent nearly a decade serving Brown County residents at the Aging and Disability Resource Center, time with the Board on Aging and Long-Term Care as an Ombudsman and is now the Lead Program Specialist at UW-Green Bay addressing the caregiver crisis in partnership with DHS and the Certified Direct Care Professional (CDCP) Program. kapalczc@uwgb.edu
Sana Khan serves as the Associate Director of Operations at iLIFE. She is an IRIS participant and worker onboarding specialist. She has experience working for both an IRIS Consultant Agency and a Fiscal Employer Agent, as well as experience with Family Care, Children’s programs, and other HCBS programs. Sana’s drive and passion comes from a desire to help those in long-term care programs feel
self-sufficient and successful in leading a life full of care, support, and independence.
Nekita Krisko, aka Nick, uses they/them and he/him pronouns interchangeably. They have an English Writing degree from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He has Autism Spectrum Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar 2 Disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They also live with several chronic physical disabilities. He has been a vocal activist for the mental health and disability community for his entire life. They also speak on their intersectional and lived experience, being queer and disabled. They instruct people with disabilities, their caregivers, and communities on communication and respect, and teach Self-Advocacy and independent living skills.
Dan Krohn is the Manager of Community Partnerships at TMG. For the last 15 years, his work has been focused on partnering with people to build full lives in their communities through community-based supports, resources, and connections to one another. Dan has worked at TMG since 2017, using his talents to support people, families, schools, and service providers involved in Wisconsin's self-directed IRIS program. He lives in Waukesha County with his wife and two young sons.
Robert Kuhr is a self-advocate and is involved with the People First Fox Cities chapter. He is a former BPDD Board Member. Robert has worked as a dishwasher at Mohnen’s Family Restaurant for the past three years. He also does snow removal and lawn services. Robert enjoys volunteering and helping others. He owns his own home and lives there with his cat, Sassy, and his dog, Dylan.
Peter Leidy has been learning from people with disabilities for almost 40 years. He works in areas such as community building, advocacy, stress reduction and well-being, team building, and more. He’s also a singer/songwriter, a wedding officiant, and a decent citizen. peterleidy@yahoo.com
Ramsey Lee is a 43-year-old man with Cerebral Palsy and has a passion for disability advocacy. Ramsey works to improve the quality and reduce barriers for people of all abilities. He is a member of the Transportation Advisory Council. Ramsey received his business degree at University of Wisconsin Whitewater.
Henry Long-Hawpetoss a 25-year-old Native American from the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin is a self-advocate who manages life with Cerebral Palsy. Although he never identified himself as a person with a disability until he was transitioning out of high school, Henry has become the most enthusiastic overcomer and lets nothing slow him down. He has recently married Savanna (Heltemes) Hawpetoss and loves every day of his new life with her. He is also a drum enthusiast who loves rock n’ roll!
Brett Maki is a self-advocate passionate about advocacy surrounding caregiving,
transportation, and long-term care. He is also vice president of the Youth Leadership
Forum Board of Directors. Brettmaki@charter.net
Hunter Markle is a young adult with autism and mental health challenges. He enjoys sharing his experience of trying to live a healthy life and about becoming an adult. He loves D&D! One of his top ways of staying mentally healthy is through music, specifically metal music. He currently works part-time and is trying to figure out his next steps. hmarkle@gmail.com
Ashley Mathy is an Employment First Ambassador and Wisconsin Partner in Policymaking graduate who has spoken around the state of Wisconsin advocating for people with special needs. She has been interviewed on the TV, Radio and Newspaper on multiple occasions to provide her insights on the importance of employment and education. ashleymathy@gmail.com
Cori Marsh is an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)-Aging Programs Supervisor for Rock County. She has worked in community care, hospice, long term care and inpatient mental health. Cori is a graduate of UW-La Crosse and UW - Waukesha. She has worked with older adults and their families for most of her career. She was recently inducted into the Kettle Moraine High School Trailblazer Wall of Fame recognizing her work with those impacted by Alzheimer’s disease/dementia and their care partners. Cori brings her unique sense of humor while offering laughter and sensitivity to the work. Cori.Marsh@co.rock.wi.us
Cathi McCuthan is a graduate of the third class of BPDD's Partners in Policymaking. She holds a Master's Degree in Dance/Movement Therapy from UCLA and worked in the mental health field for 10 years. She participates in the Governmental Affairs Committee with the Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted (WATG) where she advocates for Twice Exceptional (2e) students. She was recently appointed to the Kenosha County Commission on Aging and Disability Services. Cathi is mother to
two young adults with disabilities. Her family is new to the IRIS program; however, she
is passionate about improving aspects to better serve the needs of participants.
Mary McKeown is the Managed Care Ombudsman for Dane, Jefferson, Rock, and Walworth counties, providing advocacy to members of Family Care and Partnership programs. Mary started with the Board on Aging and Long Term Care in 2016, initially working as a regional Ombudsman. Mary’s previous work experience includes advocacy for survivors of domestic violence as well as students in alternative education programs. Mary also holds a master’s degree in community counseling. Mary.mckeown@wisconsin.gov
Shannon McKinley has been actively supporting self-advocates and families within the Portage County area for 26 years. She is employed by Inclusa as a Member Support Manager and by the Stevens Point YMCA as a Fitness Instructor. She enjoys being active, spending time with her large family, and supporting her kids in their chosen activities. Shannon.mckinley@inclusa.org
Kaitlin McNamara has been with the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities since 2019, serving as the Project Coordinator for the Living Well project, focused on enhancing health, safety, and social connections for people with disabilities. A University of Wisconsin Law School graduate and sibling to two adults with disabilities, she also leads the Sibling Leadership Network, a nonprofit supporting siblings in advocating for their brothers and sisters. Kaitlin's career in disability advocacy spans rights education, abuse prevention, plain language resources, future planning, and peer mentoring. Kaitlin.McNamara@wisconsin.gov
Kelsey McNamara is a watercolor artist who lives and works in Wisconsin. Her floral and landscape themes are inspired by her unique perception of the world. Kelsey has participated in and won awards at local, statewide, and nationwide juried art shows. She sells her work at vendor organized retail spaces in Wisconsin, in person at conferences, and online on Facebook @ Art by Kelsey (aka Obviously Kelsey). She is working with DVR and their affiliated vendors to complete the process of applying for
self-employment funding to grow her business dreams.
Kathi Miller is the IRIS Ombudsman Lead, currently serving clients statewide. Focusing on participant rights and systems advocacy, Kathi joined the Board on Aging and Long Term Care in 2018, when the Board received authorization to serve IRIS participants age 60 and older. Kathi has enjoyed a lifelong career path in human services, with fifteen years exclusively connected with the IRIS Program.
Christian Moran has 25 years of professional experience working in the legislative and executive branches of Wisconsin state government. Christian has worked in the Department of Health Services (DHS) since 2014, currently as a Medicaid policy bureau director. In this role, he leads policy and program development for Wisconsin Medicaid’s self-directed program (IRIS) and managed care programs (Family Care, Partnership, PACE, and BadgerCare Plus/SSI Medicaid). Prior to joining DHS, Christian worked as a policy advisor in the state Legislature, focusing on health care and long-term care policy. Christian.Moran@dhs.wisconsin.gov
Aaliyah Muhammad is an ombudsman with Disability Rights Wisconsin’s Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman program with almost 5 years of service in DRW’s Milwaukee office and over a decade and a half in human services; serving Wisconsin’s public.
Nick Musson - in 2015, Nick’s interest in flying drones led to his passion for capturing aerial photography and videos, with the goal of viewing the natural world from a different perspective. Aerial videography transitioned easily into traditional videography and the art of storytelling. In 2019, Nick created Compass Video Creation LLC, a videography business designed to assist others in capturing their passions. Nick utilizes both aerial and traditional videography to take the viewer on a journey, leading them to the client’s desired outcome. He believes in hard work, dedication, and going the extra mile when developing videos for his clients. Compass Video Creation LLC, Nick.musson@compassvideo.net
Jenny Neugart is a Grassroots Community Organizer for the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities. She has over 20 years of experience working with youth and adults with disabilities in employment, leadership, and Self-Advocacy. Jennifer.neugart@wisconsin.gov
Ashley Nickel is the Communication Specialist at ODC. She graduated from UWSP with a bachelor’s degree in communication, a minor in Creative Writing, and an emphasis in Public Relations. She is passionate about creating inclusive sensory-friendly events and sharing ODC’s mission with the community. anickel@odcinc.com
Kate Norby, Director of Development, ODC, Inc. Kate is committed to advancing person-centered practice and systems of support that honor full citizenship and inclusion for all. A firm believer in the principles of self-determination, Kate encourages individuals and organizations to actively build welcoming and diverse communities. Kate has worked in human services, business and education for more than three decades and holds undergraduate degrees in education and sociology, and a master’s in human and community development. knorby@odcinc.com
PINC: Partners in Nurturing Community is a group of people with a common purpose of strengthening our community in a fun, non-traditional way to ensure full citizenship for ALL by appreciating the value of each contributor to the mission of inclusion.
Samm Pamperin is a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach who is a professional in the worlds of Human Resources and Organizational Development with a demonstrated history of working in a manufacturing and non-profit setting. Skilled in Organizational Culture, Team Building, HR Policies, and Continuous Improvement. Leads with Empathy, Developer, Positivity, Includer, and WOO.
Andrea Prendota is a Certified Social Worker and has worked in a variety of roles supporting community inclusion. As a Self-Directed Support Specialist at Lakeland Care, she provides a member-centered educational approach to others within her organization and within the community about self-determination. She enjoys helping others, volunteering with her children, and staying active in the community. Leads with Developer, Achiever, Relator, Positivity, Input.
Melissa Pulju is an ombudsman for Family Care and IRIS Program at Disability Rights Wisconsin. She has worked in her position for 6 years advocating for people on Long-Term Care ages 18-59 throughout the state of Wisconsin. Her passion is helping people advocate for what they need while helping them build self-advocacy skills.
Andrea Prendota is a Certified Social Worker and has worked in a variety of roles supporting community inclusion. As a Self-Directed Support Specialist at Lakeland Care, she provides a member-centered educational approach to others within her organization and within the community about self-determination. She enjoys helping others, volunteering with her children, and staying active in the community. Leads with Developer, Achiever, Relator, Positivity, Input.
Melissa Pulju is an ombudsman for Family Care and IRIS Program at Disability Rights Wisconsin. She has worked in her position for 6 years advocating for people on Long-Term Care ages 18-59 throughout the state of Wisconsin. Her passion is helping people advocate for what they need while helping them build self-advocacy skills.
Kaylin Shampo is a Behavioral Health Program Manager at Community Living Alliance. She has over ten years of experience working in mental health in the Madison area which has given Kaylin a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges involved in addressing mental health challenges in the community. Lifelong contact with the field of social work fuels Kaylin's passion and commitment to working alongside people to build healthier lives and stronger communities. shampok@clanet.org
Danielle Smith serves as an Executive Director at Acumen Fiscal Agent. Danielle first started working with the IRIS program in 2017 as a senior leader at Outreach Health Services and stayed on with Acumen when they acquired Outreach in 2021. Her experience also includes working with the Family Care program and other Home and Community-Based Services programs in Wisconsin. Danielle’s passion is helping employers to be successful in Self-Direction, from hiring their own workers to helping navigate program requirements, including EVV. Danielle believes in Self-Determination and supporting everyone to be successful in managing their life. Danielles@acumen2.net
Kayla Smith is a graduate from Marian University with a degree in social work and a specialty in psychology, with fifteen years of experience within the IRIS LTC program. Kayla is an IRIS Ombudsman Specialist with the Board on Aging and Long Term Care, and advocates for IRIS participants 60 years and older, statewide.
Chad Sobieck lives in the Madison area and is a self-advocate involved in several disability rights organizations such as People First Wisconsin, The Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum, and The Board for People with Developmental Disabilities. Chad has also completed the Partners in Policymaking course. His primary goal as a disability advocate is to create a difference in people's lives and make the world a better place. Chad’s hobbies include hanging out with friends, playing video games, watching TV, and spending time outdoors.
Junior Sotelo is a college student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is a Journalism Major, a self-determination YouTube Channel host, and a Supported Decision-Making Youth Ambassador. He also enjoys being an announcer for the Miracle League of Milwaukee and watching sports related to Wisconsin.
Steph Stringer (she/her/hers) has over thirty years of experience serving people with disabilities living in their own homes. Her passion for relationship building between people with disabilities and the various entities of support reflects a compassion for people and the community connections we all need in our lives, thus fueling her both professionally and personally. Through caregiving, guardianship, experience with various roles working in Supportive Home Care, as well as a platform in
community radio (WORT 89.9 FM), she is a strong advocate to help people be heard.
Currently, Steph Stringer works for Community Living Alliance as the Community
Partnership Manager. stringers@clanet.org
Samantha Szynskie is passionate about education and inclusion and has worked with students of all abilities as a cross-categorical teacher. She now directs the Better Together – Friendships program for ODC, Inc. and chairs the Portage County Disability Coalition, fostering authentically inclusive opportunities through community collaboration.
Andy Thain is a self-advocate with cerebral palsy. From 2011-2016, he started and ran his own business that helped other people with disabilities who relied on in-home care. He is a board member of the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, a Partners in Policymaking graduate, and a member of the IRIS Advisory Committee He is very interested in addressing the caregiver shortage as well as issues around integrated employment for people with disabilities. “I believe given the right supports everyone should be able to have the opportunity to work and live fulfilling lives.” sendmail2andy@gmail.com
Matthew Truesdell,(he/him/his) is an Iris Consultant in the La Crosse area. He works for The Management Group (TMG/Molina) Iris Consultant Agency. He has been with the TMG for 13 years. His professional background also includes working as employment specialist with Employment Partnerships. He has also worked as In home support Specialist, Adult transition assistant, and After school Program coordinator for Catholic Charities in LaCrosse. Matthew is dedicated to empowering people to live meaningful lives in their community and helping the dream of employment become
Dave Verban has a long history of leading people and organizations to create inclusive, welcoming environments. He has, throughout his life, worked to support people to live meaningful, self-determined lives by building community and connecting people to their dreams and passions. He has done this work as the Director of non-profit agencies, as a senior leader at TMG, an IRIS Consulting Agency, and as a Senior Diversity and Inclusion Consultant at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Earlier in his career, he worked in supported employment and as an advocate for children and adults with disabilities and their families. Dave is also an educator who has taught at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. dverban@gmail.com
Sydney Walker is a former intern at Disability Rights Wisconsin. Sydney is in the second year of her Master of Social Work degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has worked in disability services for 4 years. They are currently a counseling intern for individuals with disabilities at Abegglen Counseling in Fitchburg, WI. As a disabled student and advocate, Sydney understands the importance of knowing what resources are out there.
Tina Wiley - Peer Mentor. She was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tina was put up for adoption at birth where I lived in foster homes until adopted at the age of 2. As a child she had arthritis, autism, and hearing problems. Tina finished school and became a nurse because she always knew she wanted to help people. Tina became a Self-Advocacy leader with People First of Wisconsin which opened her world to become the support to people she always wanted to be. Now, she is a
trained peer mentor. Tina is a positive mentor to people that may be struggling to become the awesome and capable individuals they can grow to be.
Rob Lewis- As the National Director of Business Development for GT, Rob Lewis leads sales and client-relationship management, tracks new markets and emerging trends, recommends new products and services, proposes, and develops new strategic partnerships, and guides GT’s long-term objectives to meet business needs and requirements. In his more than 15 years with the company, Rob has worked in all facets of financial management services, including program development, contracting and legislation.